Saturday 8 November 2008

hi blog. do you like my dresses? i bought them yesterday. i have them hanging on my wall. they look like people. went to a party yesterday and fell over on lily cole, successfully bringing two other people down with me. also i think i must have smoked a lot of cigarettes because my clothes smell of smoke. one must move on from such things because otherwise what position would that leave one in? one cannot say.

i am missing london very much today. i miss seeing people with nice clothes and faces and big buildings and being able to walk down the street without seeing someone you know every five minutes. i miss soho and chinatown most of all. and i miss new york and flo 2. cambridge claustrophobia is setting in.

i have spent all day trying to fight off a hangover. this 'fighting' entailed lying in bed thinking 'i'm hungover' getting out of bed having a shower getting back into bed getting out of bed feeling hungry going on facebook going to sainsbury's (it ALWAYS rains when i go to sainsbury's) drunkenly buying loads of shit that i don't normally eat (grape juice; what the fuck?) getting back to braeside making soup tasting soup throwing soup in the sink eating toast going back to bedroom watching 12 episodes of Family Guy thinking shit i should do some work going on blog. oh dear. but one must move on from such things... etc.

i am feeling quite happy at the moment. i feel reasonably in control of my life. this is good. but i miss my london friends i miss ella and meera.

things that have happened since i last spoke to you:
i joint hosted a party
my dad came to see me
i saw hot chip
barack obama won the election (best headline seen: 'As Obama gets Huge Election... The Earth Moves'. Thankyou, The Sun)
i had a good practical criticism class, finally
i saw quantum of solace and i was not impressed; despite d.c.'s overwhelming beauty
i had some food
i slept a few times
omg i saw the best dogs ever in the market, four huge fluffy things sitting in a line like lions
that is all that i can recall.
and that rhymes. i'm a poet and i don't know it oh my god i just rhymed again. freakish.

i apologise for this post, blog. but one must move on from such things.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Flo! Personally I find female gorillas more beautiful than my friend Danny Craig. But his muscles are big - almost as well-developed as mine!
