Sunday 15 March 2009

dystopian visions

hi blog. it's the end of term. hooray. i am exhausted.
last night i went to my first ever Film Marathon at the arts picturehouse. it was called 'dystopian visions' and they played a scanner darkly, blade runner and a clockwork orange from 11pm-6am. a strangely wonderful experience. especially wonderful to see kubrick on the big screen even if i was asleep intermittently throughout the film curled up in the folding cinema chair with my coat on because it was cold. blade runner was my favourite. what a beautiful film. it seems to me like blade runner is what A.I. aspired to be.

when me and hannah were making our shaky way back to the colony the sun had just risen and orange and pink clouds were spreading over the lightening sky. there was nobody about, save the birds. they were running around on pavements and flapping around windows and perched all over roofs and lampposts, wherever you looked. it was eerie, it felt like the apocalypse had come and the only people left on earth were me and hannah and these birds. when we got back to colony i heard a scratching above my head and saw a little ginger cat hanging on between two boughs of a tree with its claws. it appeared surprised that humans had interrupted its daily ritual, and soon leapt away into the bushes. it seems that cambridge belongs to the animals in the early morning.

for breakfast (at 4pm) i had soup with tomatoes. and now i am meeting ed for dinner at the anchor. and i can hear birds calling outside my window.

1 comment:

  1. flooo, i've just discovered your blog and blade runner is one of MY favourite movies! Denisx
