Tuesday 10 July 2012


hi there old friend.

i went walking today in my favourite bit of London / the world, Chinatown. i haven't been for months. i ran into one of mum's actor friends on Wardour street and he had a poster of himself in his bag. on the poster he was standing in a shady corridor flanked by two hard nuts. i said i would go and see the film and he winced and said 'it's violent. very violent.' 

i went to one of those gaudy souvenir shops and bought a jade ring. apparently jade 'stimulates creativity and mental agility on the one hand, while also having a balancing and harmonising effect.' will keep you updated on that.

other things. saw a snail, and it reminded me of when i was about 17 and my friends and I used to go to our friend Clare's house for lunch. it was raining one day and my friend Meera and i were walking up Clare's path and both narrowly missed treading on a snail. we discussed moving it out of harm's way but then came to the conclusion that it might get confused if we did. so we left it. we were walking up the road now, and our friend Clare, who had just left the house behind us, started scraping her foot along the pavement, complaining that she'd just trodden on a snail. moral of the story? CHOOSE LIFE.

so like a weirdo i did what my dream said and crossed the river. i walked from oxford circus to London Bridge. i'm not sure anything happened, but this song came on my iPod. my parents used to play it on car journeys when i was growing up, along with shitloads of Van Morrison.

i saw this poem at South Bank too: 

And now

there are two boxes

we will throw to the sea
My box, the sea entered
because it was open
Your box, the beach buried
because you never got out

and this 


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